Hello, my name is Suzette King. I am a Masters student in GIS at the University of Leeds and I am interested in GIS web development, GIS & Data Analytics and Remote Sensing. I have created this website to showcase my GIS, Data and Programming skills developed during my studies. My Portfolio which is summarised on the right can be explored by selecting the relevant button below: In this project, I investigated whether there is a link between proximity to motorways and the Using Census data Vector Analysis ArcGIS 10 Areal Interpolation Model Builder In this project, I compared and contrasted the results of conducting a Land Classification using two methods, namely British Land Capability Assessment (LCA) and the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Skills UtilisedRaster processsing and analysis Raster Algebra ArcGIS 10
Crime hotspot stuff
ABM Python stuff
Black Death stuff
ABM Netlogo stuff stuff
blue plaques stuff
Accidents stuff
Dissertation stuff
CV stuff
The tasks to complete this project involved joining census data to boundary data and creating a 5km buffer of the motorways running through the county of Buckinghamshire. A major issue encountered was that this methodology assumed there was a homogeneous distribution of population within each census ward which is not the case so an area based areal interpolation was then conducted to recalculate the geometry of the census ward and the population totals in the newly calculated area. This calculation returned a difference of 0.17% of LLTI inside the buffer compared to a LLTI outside the buffer which was not enough to conclude if there is a link between the rates of LLTI with proximity to motorways
The tasks to complete this project involved
Crime Analysis
ABM Python
Black Death - Python
ABM Netlogo
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